Tantra Massage has been practiced for over 5000 years. This ancient art from the East is said to calm the organs as well as the mind. Once we discover how to turn off the mind, we open ourselves up to a whole new sensual world where the way we feel takes precedence over the way we think. The body’s natural healing process works best when the mind is disengaged. Removing logical thoughts, allows a blissful peace to enter our being; this peaceful energy removes unwanted stress from each part of the body. Tantra Massage leads us toward peace and then releases us into a state of bliss. When the body is nurtured and pampered, the spirit also gathers strength. As Tantra Massage transforms our sexual energy into a force that is positive, other areas of our lives are affected in positive ways. When the body is fulfilled, the mind makes more efficient decisions. Tantra Massage is a full-body sensual massage. When the pleasure receptors in the body are engaged, our inner awareness expands. Our fulfillment is deeper than before, we understand and respect the desires of our body. Tantra Massage gives power to the body because it understands the natural rhythm that is within every individual. Our inner self and sensuality crave attention. At first, we find it difficult to relax and surrender to pleasure, at first we feel that loss of control will render us weak. But a deeper inner strength emerges when we experience to honor and respect for our inner self. Massage strokes can be done fast or slow, but in terms of their effect, the slower, the better! This is because the natural response to be touched causes the nervous system to see if this is a treat. Once you allow time for the nervous system to establish that you are in no harm, and in safe hands, true relaxation can occur. Benefits of Singapore Style Sensual Tantra massage Our Sensual Tantra massage strokes are done very slowly and sensuously to allow you to explore your senses and become fully present in your whole body.